School Health Program » School Health Program

School Health Program

The mission of the Zuni Public School District Health Services Department is to identify, address, evaluate and refer students with health concerns and conditions and to support the teaching environment by keeping students at an optimum level of health.
Please contact us at the designated school site if you have questions concerning health services.

Health Staff Contact Infomation

Levonia Cellicion
District Nurse

Jeremy Homer
Zuni High School Health Assistant
505-782-4451  ext. 5006

Brenna Edaakie
Twin Buttes Health Assistant
505-782-4446  ext. 2006
Dion Lalio
Zuni Middle School Health Assistant
505-782-5561  ext. 4006

Candice Soseeah
Shiwi Ts'ana Elementary School Health Assistant
505-782-4443  ext. 3006

Valerie Bradley
Shiwi Ts'ana Elementary School Health Assistant
505-782-4443  ext. 3006