About Us » Vision, Mission & Goals of District

Vision, Mission & Goals of District


Zuni Public School District, in partnership with families and the Zuni community, inspires academic excellence where students demonstrate skill, character, and A:shiwi core values in a safe, respectful environment leading to responsible citizens who make positive contributions to our world.


"Connect, Educate, Inspire"

Goals of the District

Goal #1 Foster High Academic Achievement

Alignment to Zuni Graduate Profile Indicators: 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6

  1. Zuni Public School District engages and motivates students to high academic achievement through standards aligned grade level curriculum using highly effective instructional strategies which support knowledge and skills necessary for success as global citizens (i.e. financial literacy, informational literacy, and computer skills). 
    1. Incorporate culturally and linguistically relevant problem based learning that encourage students to actively engage.
    2. Students are recognized regularly for their achievements
    3. Curriculum maps for each grade level and all content areas are aligned to  New Mexico adopted content standards
    4. Utilize multiple methods of formative and summative assessment to support      long-term learning targets linked to articulated performance measures for units; end of year exams; and end of course exams, student-led conferences and portfolio.
    5. Uses research based instruction that is student centered, increases the quality and quantity of learning, and addresses the learning needs of all students.
    6. Students and staff are provided with timely and appropriate access to online tools to meet instructional needs.
    7. Active Professional Learning Communities support teacher to teacher coaching and learning.
    8. High-functioning collaborative teams use data to plan, improve, and innovate.
  2. Zuni Public School District students work with faculty and staff to identify their strengths, interests, and passions to co-design career pathways that shape their future.
    1. Secondary pathways include post-secondary and CTE pathways that incorporate required courses, work-based learning opportunities, and internships.
    2. Nontraditional learning pathways are available for students to develop the knowledge and skills needed for a high school diploma.
    3. Student portfolio presentations include reflection of their career exploration, interests and potential pathways.

Annual Objectives:

  1. Student recognition
    1. Attendance
    2. Behavior
    3. Academics
    4. Growth measure (based on diagnostic)
    5. Contributor
  2. Curriculum Maps Include
    • All content areas
    • Zuni culture and language
    • Grade appropriate problem based learning
    • Scaffolded technology applications
    • Formative and Summative Assessment
  3. Instructional and Assessment Model
    • Data Driven
    • Gradual Release of Responsibility Instructional Model
    • CLR
    • High Quality Instructional Materials
    • Student Centered Assessment Model
      1. Learning Targets in every classroom for every lesson and course;
      2. Formative and summative assessment
      3. Performance Assessments
      4. Portfolios (5th, 8th, 12th)
    • Competency based assessment (ZHS)
  4. Career Pathways
    • Post-Secondary
    • CTE
    • Non-Traditional
  5. Technology Assessment/ Resource Assessment


  1. Students will be recognized at school or after-hour events for their achievement in: attendance, behavior, academics, growth measure, or contributor
  2. District and school leadership teams meet regularly to set goals, develop implementation plans and review progress toward goals set forth in plans
  3. Curricular materials are provided for all content areas that are aligned to standards and support high quality instruction
  4. Teachers and administrators implement an articulated curriculum that includes instructional materials and assessments that are aligned to the NM-CCSS Instructional Scope 
  5. Master schedules reflect optimal time for core instruction, and include adequate time for interventions

Performance Indicators:

  1. Each school will host no less than one recognition event each quarter.
  2. ≥ 80% of students at each school recognized annually
  3. District and school leadership teams meet monthly to progress toward goals set forth in plans
  4. All site master schedules reflect maximized time for core instruction.
  5. Teachers and administrators implement an articulated curriculum that includes instructional materials and assessments that are aligned to the NM-CCSS Instructional Scope 2.0.
  6. Culturally responsive instruction is observed during informal and formal classroom walkthroughs.
  7. 100% of 5th, 8th, and 12th grade students complete portfolio requirements inclusive of career exploration or a defined post graduation pathway. 
  8. Increase the percentage of K-8 students making one year of annual growth as measured on diagnostic assessment over prior year
  9. All students K-12 will engage in career exploration 

Goal #2 Safe, Healthy, and Adaptable Graduates

Alignment to Zuni Graduate Profile Indicators: 4, 5, 6

  1. ZPSD has a well defined K-12 SEL curriculum based on the Ashiwi Core Values that supports a positive culture and climate.
    1. ZPSD has a culturally and linguistically relevant SEL curriculum for every grade level.
    2. All students will have access to at least two adults within their school who they can reach out to in a crisis.
    3. Teachers and students show pride in their school by contributing to a positive school climate by caring for their peers, their environment, their family, and their planet.   
    4. SEL reflections  related to cultural and self-awareness, growth mindset and sense of purpose.  
    5. ZPSD collects data on SEL implementation and impact.  (Panorama Ed and student/staff/family satisfaction data)
  2. Zuni Public School District embraces a Multi-Layered System of Support that identifies interventions and supports designed to address behavioral, mental health, and academic challenges presented by our students. 
    1. Use data to determine the types of services needed to address the complex needs of our students.
    2. MLSS is implemented to target the specific knowledge, behavior and skills needed for students to be successful.
    3. Mental health interventions are aligned to meet the needs of individual students.
    4. Partnerships with community agencies provide targeted intervention and family support that ensures the well-being of the whole child. 

Annual Objectives:

  1. PreK-12 SEL Curriculum Design and Implementation
  2. PreK-12 MLSS Implementation
  3. Create partner MOUs/MOAs for targeted student interventions and family support


  1. Completed SEL Curriculum for PreK-12
  2. MLSS implementation evidenced in teacher weekly lesson plans
  3. Effectiveness of Partnerships

Performance Indicators:

  1. Increase in student engagement as measured by survey (2022/2023 baseline)
  2. Increase student and staff attendance (2022/2023 baseline)
  3. Decrease the number of students referred to SAT over previous year
  4. MOUs/MOAs executed to support students and their family
  5. Effectiveness of Partnerships
  1. # of referrals 
  2. # of support activities
  3. % of follow through on establishing treatment or completion of treatment

Goal #3 Cultivate and Nourish Partnerships 

Alignment to Zuni Graduate Profile Indicators: 3, 4, 5, 6

  1. Parent Advisory Teams established at each school to engage families as partners.
    1. Parent Advisory Teams will establish a system for strategically engaging parents and families so they feel safe, supported and respected.
    2. Parent Advisory Teams will provide training and resources related to all aspects of the ZPSD curriculum and MLSS to staff and families to promote strong partnerships between home and school.
    3. Parent Advisory Teams will work with ZPSD and the Tribal Council to ensure wrap-around services for students and families  including healthcare, nutrition, academic and social-emotional support.
    4. Provide training and resources to staff and families to strengthen communication and promote strong partnerships between home, community, and school. 
  2. ZPSD will cultivate mutually supportive partnerships among schools, businesses, and Tribal Agencies to support student well-being, enhance real-world learning, and broaden opportunities for career exploration and experience.  This means that
    1. Provide a comprehensive structure for defining mutually supportive partnerships, setting expectations, and monitoring performance.
    2. Build partnerships with diverse groups of businesses and organizations to support a variety of learning experiences during and outside of the school day.
    3. Foster authentic communication outlets to engage the community.
  3. ZPSD will continue to develop strategic partnerships with the New Mexico Public Education Department and Institutions of Higher Education to increase the number of licensed teachers.
    1. ZPSD will define multiple pathways for teacher and administrator licensure, including an Educator Fellows program,  that match the teaching and learning model of ZPSD.
    2. ZPSD will work with the New Mexico Public Education Department to identify resources that support teachers to full licensure and licensure advancement.

Annual Objectives:

  1. Parent Advisor Teams formally established at each school site
  2. Parent Advisor Teams develop a structure and process for family and community engagement activities
  3. Increased parent/family participation in parent/family training events 
  4. Recruit individuals interested in careers in education  to the Educator Fellow program
  5. Work with post-secondary institutions of higher education to grow the number of individuals seeking licensure in education


  1. Family surveys
  2. Participation in parent/family training events (attendance logs)
  3. Family participation at Parent Advisory Team meetings/activities (attendance logs)
  4. Number of candidates who apply for and matriculate to the Educator Fellows program at ZPSD
  5. MOUs/MOAs with institutions of higher education that lead to educator licensure

Performance Indicators:

  1. ≥ 80% of parents report feeling respected and welcomed in their children’s schools
  2. ≥ 80% of parent report having opportunities to engage with schools to help their children succeed
  3. ≥ 80% of parents report having opportunities to learn about and provide input on district and school programs
  4. ≥ 50% of parent/family participate in training opportunities
  5. ≥ 50% of parent/family participation at Parent Advisory Team meetings/activities 
  6. ≥ 75% or better of Educator Fellows positions are filled to support district academic and instructional initiatives (reduced student/teacher ratio and high intensity tutoring)
  7. Number of formal agreements with institutions of higher education 

Goal #4 Cultivate and Inspire our Team

Alignment to Zuni Graduate Profile Indicators: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  1. Team members are held to high standards of professionalism and performance
    1. New Mexico Educator and Principal Evaluation Program
    2. Professional learning opportunities and supports for principal growth and development
  2. Employees are valued for their diversity and recognized for their contributions as educators, staff and administrators
    1. Staff recognition program
    2. Teacher/staff recognition program
    3. Annual employee recognition (service and retirement)
  3. Work in safe and positive environments
    1. Ensure all staff complete required annual safe schools training
    2. Create opportunities for cross-departmental planning and communication to  strengthen and align curriculum maps.
  4. ZPSD will recruit and retain high quality teaching staff.
    1. Remain focused on providing a competitive compensation and benefit plan
    2. Support intentional, focused and innovative recruitment and retention efforts to increase diversity and quality of applicant pool.
    3. Develop a “Grow Your Own” program to increase the number of licensed teachers.
      1. Tuition reimbursement program
      2. Create an Educator Fellows program
      3. Continue mentor/mentee program 

Annual Objective:

  1. Continue professional development support of PLCs 
    1. use data to plan
    2. Improve and innovate instruction
    3. Grade level/content area support for teachers
    4. Individualized support for principals
  2. Continue professional development with a focus on academic and social emotional instruction and strategies
  3. Continue use of New Mexico Educator and Principal Evaluation Program
  4. Bolster teacher and staff recognition program
  5. Provide reimbursement support for teachers and staff to pursue higher education
  6. Ensure all staff complete required annual safe schools training
  7. Recruit, hire, and support diverse educators with a focus on growing teachers through the tuition reimbursement program
  8. Continue mentor/mentee program
  9. Implement Educator Fellows program


  1. Number of teachers who participate in professional development specific to PLCs, data analysis, instructional planning, innovative teaching 
  2. Professional development aligned to NMPED Elevate Educator Evaluation System.
  3. Number of recognition events (board recognition, luncheons, gratuities, years of service, retirement)
  4. Number of staff who indicate feeling valued for their diversity and recognized for their contributions as educators, staff, and administrators on end-of-year climate survey
  5. Number of employees who complete all of Vector Solutions - Online Safe Schools training
  6. Number of candidates hired to the Educator Fellows program
  7. Number of staff who seek reimbursement for continuing education support
  8. Number of staff who participate in the mentee/mentor program
  9. Number of administrators who participate in Principal Leadership Academy
  10.  Teacher retention rate year-to-year over five year period

Performance Indicators:

  1. 100% of instructional staff participate in the development of curriculum guides, data driven instructional planning
  2. ≥ 100% of staff complete all components of Vector safe school training by October 31, 2022 (new staff will complete within one month of hire)
  3. ≥ 95%  of staff indicate they work in safe and positive environments, collaborate with colleagues, and feel valued on end of year climate survey.
  4. 50% of Principals will participate in leadership development training
  5. ≥ 80% district staff retention over five-year average
  6. Four or more teacher and staff recognition events held annually
  7. 100% of Educator Fellows will enroll in no less than two post-secondary courses annually leading toward educator licensure

Goal #5 Safe and Inspiring Facilities

Alignment to Zuni Graduate Profile Indicators: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  1. Cultural connections with the community and the natural world are reflected in learning and working spaces.
    1. Create instructional spaces that are welcoming, engaging, comfortable and enhance learning opportunities for students.
    2. Learning spaces are flexible and can be adapted to the ever changing needs of our students and staff.
    3. All facilities are welcoming to the community and used to enhance cultural and civic engagement.
  2. ZPSD plans for new buildings that are inspiring and cutting edge.
    1. New buildings are designed to support problem based learning, career and technology education; and support personalized learning for students with diverse learning needs.
  3. All ZPSD facilities are safe and healthy.
    1. ZPSD will allocate resources toward ensuring students, staff and the community are provided secure and healthy educational environments.
    2. ZPSD has an indoor air quality program to implement best practices defined during the COVID pandemic.


  1. Create and use School environment walkthrough tool
  2. Include community, staff, and student input throughout the design/build phase of the new school building
  3. Assess IAQ in accordance with new CDC guidelines for IAQ in schools.  


  1. School environment walkthrough tool designed and utilized 
  2. Community, staff, and student input throughout the design/build phase of the new school building.
  3. Assess IAQ in accordance with new CDC guidelines for IAQ in schools.


  1. Ongoing re-evaluation of current district and building spaces that can be refreshed to provide additional instructional opportunities.
  2. Update 10-year-old capital improvement plan that includes the identification of concerns and recommendations to protect structural integrity of district facilities
  3. Continue the ongoing upgrades of wireless networks at school buildings throughout the district to ensure that students and staff have reliable access to instructional tools and materials 
  4. Completion of additional learning spaces that support opportunities for students: middle school outdoor learning spaces.
  5. Safe and inclusive learning environments - secure entry systems for all schools.

Learn about the Zuni Public School District here: How ZPSD was created