Bilingual » State Bilingual Program

State Bilingual Program

The State Bilingual Program funding is generated on a formula that is dependent on the number of students in a 1 hour (Home Language only), a 2 hour (Home Language and English Development course) or a 3 hour (Home Language, English Development course AND a Content area course) as well as the T & E index.  Zuni Public School District implements a Heritage language program designed to support and revitalize a student's native language and culture through oral and/or written language instruction.
Zuni Public School District offers the Zuni language instruction to ALL students at the elementary and middle schools.  The program at the high school are available for credit through the Zuni I and Zuni II courses.  Successful completion of the two courses deems the students' eligibility for the New Mexico State Seal of Bilingualism/Bi-Literacy on their high school diploma.